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Current Non-Classified Job Opportunities at Trinidad State

这个链接将带你到国家人事系统的招聘启事, and includes jobs throughout the State of Colorado, not just Trinidad State.


Notice To All Applicants

科罗拉多社区学院系统或其13所学院之一的前雇员, 谁因纪律原因被解雇或以辞职代替解雇,必须披露 this information on your application/within your application materials. 所有的材料 submitted become the property of Trinidad State College and will not be returned. 科罗拉多州必须遵守《世界杯滚球》. 如果被录用,你将被要求提供证明你的身份和授权的文件 工作. This law applies to all persons hired. Colorado fiscal rules require all new employees to be on direct deposit.

世界杯滚球 Trinidad State College

特立尼达州立学院位于科罗拉多州特立尼达,是一所由国家资助的两年制大学 institution of higher education. The College was established by an act of the State 它是科罗拉多州最古老的两年制公立学院. 学院的服务区包括八个人口较少的农村县 density and small communities. One campus is located in Trinidad and is a residential campus while the other, located in Alamosa, is a commuter campus. Both campuses serve distinct populations. As a comprehensive Community College, Trinidad State College 不仅提供持续转学文学副学士学位和应用副学士学位 理科(职业)学位课程,也相继开发和实施了众多 成功的短期职业证书课程,以及完全包容的成人 education and developmental programs.

Information regarding Trinidad State College Security, including crime statistics 世界杯滚球特立尼达和阿拉莫萨校区及周边地区的信息,可以在特立尼达找到 State College Campus Security Website - 为 a hard copy report please contact the Vice President of Student Affairs on the Trinidad campus, or the Dean of Students on the 谷校园.

The 谷校园

世界杯滚球山谷校区位于圣路易斯山谷 由六个县组成:阿拉莫萨、科内霍斯、科斯蒂亚、矿物、里奥格兰德和萨瓜切. 它坐落在一个宽广而平坦的山谷中,长100英里,宽75英里, with an elevation of 7,500 feet at the Valley floor, the region is rimmed by high mountains to the north, east, and west, with elevations up to 14,345 feet. 在里约热内卢 格兰德河发源于该地区的西部,向南流入新墨西哥州. 该地区面积8180平方英里,人口约40人 thousand people. Major communities in the Valley include Alamosa, Monte Vista, Del 北部、中部、安东尼托、马纳萨、圣路易斯、拉哈拉、桑福德、克里德和萨瓜奇.

Notice of non-discrimination

特立尼达州立学院禁止一切形式的歧视和骚扰,包括 那些违反联邦和州法律或州社区学院委员会的 and Occupational Education Board Policies 3-120 and 4-120.  The College does not discriminate 基于性别/性别,种族,肤色,年龄,信仰,民族或民族血统,身体 或者精神残疾,退伍军人身份,怀孕状况,宗教信仰,基因信息, gender identity, or sexual orientation in its employment practices or educational programs and activities.  Trinidad State College will take appropriate steps to ensure 缺乏英语语言技能不会成为入学和参与的障碍 in its education programs and activities.

学院已指定其人力资源总监作为其平权行动 负责的官员/平等机会协调员/第九条协调员 to coordinate its civil rights compliance activities and grievance procedures. 为 如欲了解更多信息,请联系特立尼达州立学院人力资源部主任,电话:600 Prospect Street, Trinidad, CO, 81082, 719-846-5534. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Region VIII, Federal Office Building, 1244 North Speer Boulevard, Suite 310丹佛, CO 80204, telephone (303) 844-3417.

Aviso de no discriminación

特立尼达州立学院prohíbe今天的形式是discriminación y acoso,包括do 从3-120到4-120,从4-120到1 -120,从3-120到1 -120 Estatal de instituciones comunitarias y de educación ocupacional. La institucion educativa no discrimina por razón de sexo/género, raza, color, edad, credo, origen nacional O .伤残física O .精神伤残,退伍军人,使馆,religión, Información gensamutica, identidad de gsamuero, orientación sexual en SUS prácticas de empleo, programas y actividades educativas. Trinidad State College tomará las medidas apapadas para - as - as - as - as - as - as - as - as - as - as - as - as - as - as - as - as - as Obstáculo para la admisión y participación en SUS方案通过活动教育.

一个教育机构指定了一名人力资源主管 负责协调美国的活动,并在程序上赞扬其文明 de quejas, acción afirmativa/ igualdad de oportunidades y Título IX. 帕拉obtener información, comuníquese世界杯滚球人类研究中心主任, 600 Prospect Street, Trinidad, Co, 81082, 719-846-5534. También puede contactar a 民政事务局,Educación联合州部,región 丹佛市北斯佩尔大道1244号联邦政府大厦310室, CO 80204, teléfono (303) 844-3417.

Affirmative Action Statement

TSC不非法歧视基于种族,肤色,宗教,民族 出身,性别,年龄,或入院或获得治疗或就业的残疾 in its educational programs or activities. Inquiries may be referred to: Affirmative 特立尼达,特立尼达,TSJC, Berg大楼,行动干事,Title IX和Section 504协调员, Colorado 81082 (719) 846-5534, or Director of Affirmative Action for the Colorado 社区学院系统,9101东劳瑞大道,丹佛,CO 80230 (303) 595-1552, or to the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 1961 Stout St.丹佛, CO 80294.

有关学生的权利、政策和/或程序的信息或指导可能 be obtained from:

Affirmative Action Officer
Yvette Atencio
Trinidad - Berg 101
Alamosa - Room 108
Phone: (719) 846-5538

Any student is invited to confer with the Affirmative Action Officer. All conferences will be kept in strict confidence.

Declaración de Acción Afirmativa

TSC不歧视穷人razón种族,肤色,religión,原籍国,性别,性别, 残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾、残疾 y programas educativos. Las inquietudes pueden ser dirigidas al: Funcionario de acción 特立尼达,特立尼达,特立尼达,特立尼达,多米尼加共和国,sección 504, 科罗拉多81082(719)846-5534,或机构系统肯定主任acción 科罗拉多州教育社区协会,9101 East Lowry Boulevard丹佛, co 80230 (303) 第595-1552号文件,网址:Educación国家部门民政事务局 Unidos, 1961 Malte St.丹佛, co 80294.

第1段:información至guía . sobreloderechos, políticas /o程序 del estudiante dirijase a:

Funcionario de acción afirmativa
Yvette Atencio
Trinidad - Berg 101
Alamosa - Room 108
Teléfono: (719) 846-5538

学生评估邀请咨询与功能咨询acción肯定. Todas las conversaciones se mantendrán bajo estricta confidencialidad.

Graduation image